This wonderful show is still up. Come check it out! :)
my friends call me roro and this is my route.
This wonderful show is still up. Come check it out! :)
蒙上帝恩典,攞到獎學金讀書,話咁快就讀左年半,你哋有時間就過嚟探吓我…下年2025年5 月16同17日,兩日畢業典禮. :)
As a storyteller, I will bring you on my spiritual journey in Herstory: A Cute Girl in a Liminal Space, on display in the Dougs Adam Gallery from July 7 through July 28. Please join us for an Artist’s Reception on Sunday, July 21 from 4pm to 7pm. Children are warmly welcome to join us! Please bring an old adult t-shirt for your children to make art. :)
Gallery address: 2400 Ridge Road, Berkeley, CA 94709 It’s easy to find a street parking on Sundays(free) or PSR parking will be available for $5 all day. (1798 Scenic Ave, Berkeley, CA 94709)
Finally, I had my website fixed in September.
It’s my pleasure to attend the curated dinner with wines found along the Camino Ignaciano route. Dr. Kayrthn Baraush collaborated with Eric Asimov, the wine critic for the New York Times, and Fr. Christopher Hadley, SJ, at Santa Clara University JST in October.
因為要揸車, 嚟咗美國咁耐都冇飲過酒,呢一日唔使揸車,真係可以飲得開心啲, Pilgrimage 對我嚟講係一個新嘅認識,但確實同我嘅信仰息息相關,所以好開心可以跟 Professor Kate 同其他同學仔學習!
Berkeley Art and Interreligious Pilgrimage Project: | IG: pilgrim_travels
I am privileged to design two different t-shirts for Center for Fathering (Family Value Foundation of Hong Kong.)
這兩件獨特設計的限量版黑TEE共 100件,目標籌款10萬港元。今次 TEE 的平面設計主題是 【體驗】, 父職不只是書本上的理論,乃亦是每日與仔女相處的體驗。今次訊息希望鼓勵爸爸多抽時間陪伴仔女、一起相處、一起成長。
維護家庭基金邀請我參與這個籌款項目,幫手設計兩款黑Tee的時候,我回憶兒時與爸爸相處的快樂時光 ── 尾隨爸爸;望著他工作;帶我去買東西;一起食麥記。爸爸是兒女最強的後盾和保護。請鼓勵你身邊的爸爸成為一個好玩的爸爸。哪怕兒女已經長大,爸爸依然可陪伴孩子,彌補過去失去了的時光,創造新的回憶。Better late than never.
For more information, please click the link below 欲知詳情,請按以下連結 :
( BACK 後) Ephesians 6:4 聖經以弗所書6章4節 經文「 你們作父親的, 不要惹兒女的氣, 只要照著主的教訓和警戒養育他們。」
( BACK 後) Ephesians 6:4 聖經以弗所書6章4節 經文「 你們作父親的, 不要惹兒女的氣, 只要照著主的教訓和警戒養育他們。」
Recently my family brought all my books about anatomy from America to HK. I learned anatomy and figure drawing from Rob Anderson for one year and a half. I enjoyed my Saturdays with Rob. He is gentle, quiet and has peace of mind. Rob, I and other classmates always had lunch at a Chinese restaurant.
I miss Rob. And his teaching.
Rob’s website:
Rob at my solo 2013 (Photography: Wai Lam)
I know Wong Chim Yuen through a friend. Wong and Yip Chi Wai will have an exhibition from Feb 21st to 27th from 8:30am to 9:30pm at Oasis Gallery, Central. I will see you at the opening on the 22nd, Wednesday at 2:30pm! (Free Admission, come check out the artwork!)
朋友介紹認識了黃瞻遠老師。黃老師和葉志華先生以畫會友,於中環綠洲藝廊(中環街市2樓)舉辦作品展,由2月21日至2月27日(8:30am-9:30pm)。我會出席開幕禮, 2月22日(星期三)2:30pm 到時見! (免費入場)
Apexart’s Unsolicited Exhibition Program (UEP) is a month-long open call for focused, idea-driven, original group exhibitions. The three highest ranking proposals will be financially supported by Apexart.
It's my honor to be one of the jurors and select the three UEP exhibitions for 2017-18 season. Check out the results of UEP :
每一季 紐約 Apexart 舉辦的 Unsolicited Exhibition Program (UEP) 會從世界各地收到約500份藝術展覽計劃書,得票最高的三份能夠獲得 Apexart 資助 。這是我榮幸被邀請當今季的其中一位評審。
2017-18 UEP 甄選結果:
The Posterist is a documentary film about Hong Kong artist Yuen Tai Yung who mainly illustrated Hong Kong movies posters from 1975 to 1992. I watched it in Mid-Nov. Yuen, the Director Hui Si Wai and his father Michael Hui were there. They had sharing and Q & A after the movie. I was excited and asked Yuen about his favorite western artist and poster from this generation. He said he likes Picasso and Golden Age Poster.
Check out Yuen's illustrations of Bruce Lee.
《海報師》是一部關於香港藝術家阮大勇的真實紀錄電影。阮老師參與 1975-1992 年時期香港電影海報的插畫創作。當晚阮老師,導演許思維和父親許冠文在電影放映後有座談會。我很興奮地問阮老師兩個問題:第一,有沒有喜愛的西方藝術家;第二,現在的電影海報有沒有他欣賞的。阮老師說他喜歡畢加索和《黃金時代》的海報。
I am happy to get a chance to talk to Professor Zhan and see his art work during summer. The perspective in his drawings is just like what we see in animation.