The Posterist is a documentary film about Hong Kong artist Yuen Tai Yung who mainly illustrated Hong Kong movies posters from 1975 to 1992. I watched it in Mid-Nov. Yuen, the Director Hui Si Wai and his father Michael Hui were there. They had sharing and Q & A after the movie. I was excited and asked Yuen about his favorite western artist and poster from this generation. He said he likes Picasso and Golden Age Poster.
Check out Yuen's illustrations of Bruce Lee.
《海報師》是一部關於香港藝術家阮大勇的真實紀錄電影。阮老師參與 1975-1992 年時期香港電影海報的插畫創作。當晚阮老師,導演許思維和父親許冠文在電影放映後有座談會。我很興奮地問阮老師兩個問題:第一,有沒有喜愛的西方藝術家;第二,現在的電影海報有沒有他欣賞的。阮老師說他喜歡畢加索和《黃金時代》的海報。