Apexart’s Unsolicited Exhibition Program (UEP) is a month-long open call for focused, idea-driven, original group exhibitions. The three highest ranking proposals will be financially supported by Apexart.
It's my honor to be one of the jurors and select the three UEP exhibitions for 2017-18 season. Check out the results of UEP :
每一季 紐約 Apexart 舉辦的 Unsolicited Exhibition Program (UEP) 會從世界各地收到約500份藝術展覽計劃書,得票最高的三份能夠獲得 Apexart 資助 。這是我榮幸被邀請當今季的其中一位評審。
2017-18 UEP 甄選結果: