Finally, I had my website fixed in September.
It’s my pleasure to attend the curated dinner with wines found along the Camino Ignaciano route. Dr. Kayrthn Baraush collaborated with Eric Asimov, the wine critic for the New York Times, and Fr. Christopher Hadley, SJ, at Santa Clara University JST in October.
因為要揸車, 嚟咗美國咁耐都冇飲過酒,呢一日唔使揸車,真係可以飲得開心啲, Pilgrimage 對我嚟講係一個新嘅認識,但確實同我嘅信仰息息相關,所以好開心可以跟 Professor Kate 同其他同學仔學習!
Berkeley Art and Interreligious Pilgrimage Project: | IG: pilgrim_travels